Race Day Ready?

Lots of people are asking if I'm ready for my upcoming marathon. Who knows!? It's been 10 years since my last and there is good reason for that break. They are hard! The many weeks of training is hard and the race is brutal, both physically and mentally. If marathons were easy more people would run them.

I do know that I have put in 20 solid weeks and over 500 miles into my training. I eat well, I sleep well, I take rest days and I strength train. But you just never know what can happen on a race day. The weather could be bad, I may not sleep well the night before, my breakfast may not digest in time for the 6:30am start time, I could bonk midway through or the pain from my fractured sesamoid bone could be unbearable. Who knows?! 

This week leading up to and throughout the race, I plan to do everything in my power to do well: sleep tons, eat well, hydrate and keep an eye on my pace. Thankfully and most importantly, I have tons of amazing friends who will either be running or will be on the course for support, which is what helps me the most. 

I am going to enjoy every mile of the 26.2 as much is possible...

and then I'm going to drink a dirty martini and eat french fries.

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