FAQ + Upcoming Events
We are happy to announce that we have added a Frequently Asked Questions page, which can be found here. These are popular questions which we get asked at farmers markets, during interviews and from online inquiries. Please check them out and let us know if you have other questions that may be added, as this will become a fluid document.
Additionally, we have beens super lucky to get some awesome press. Here are two of the latest publications that came out this month.
One of my fave magazines: The Local Palate, November 2015 (I was giddy about this!)
Bob Townsend of WECT News came to visit me at the farm and you can see our interview here.
Finally, with the upcoming holidays, this is always our busy season. Our stores are busy, our restaurants are busy, online orders are being placed and we are swamped with shows/festivals (PS. we LOVE all of this). This just serves as a reminder to place your holiday orders in a timely manner to ensure on-time shipping. You can place orders on this website, or visit one of our stores, or find us at one of the following upcoming events:
Thanks for your continued salty support!